Just Start your Goals

Tanzeela Arif
2 min readDec 18, 2020

Assalam o Alaikum my name is Tanzeela Arif and currently enrolled in Amal three month fellowship. Today I am working on just start your goal. Actually it is my project part. Just start your goal means that if your goals are smart enough then try to work on from today don’t wait for tomorrow. Here I am sharing my work on that project.

It was one of my goals to arrange session on solid works software. Reason behind that I want to come out from my comfort zone so that I can perform well in my career. I was deciding to work on it from very past but due to lack of motivation or you can say lack of proper mindset I was not able to do it. But after joining Amal I felt that I would try to take my first step towards my goals. So after setting my goals I payed attention to one of them and started my work on it with full enthusiasm.

After completing my course related to my goals I really felt good and stress free. Although I faced my challenges to fulfil it. One of major challenge that I faced is to snatch extra time from my daily hectic routines. From these things I learned that don’t give up. If you really want something in your life go and take it. Don’t let anyone to say that you can’t do it. After all that I will try my best to work hard for my next goals with the same passion. Thanks Amal for providing me such an amazing chance.

