Reasons for increasing Harassment cases.

Tanzeela Arif
2 min readDec 25, 2020

Due to lack of proper attention and education, harassment increases in our country. I am Tanzeela Arif and here I am discussing the reasons behind harassment which is a main problem in our country nowadays.


Harassment is a form of discrimination. Basically it is any unwanted touch or behavior that humiliates you and makes you angry and cause fear inside you. Nowadays our country is suffering from harassment of kids, girls, boys and even animals are not safe. These types of cases cause fear inside all of us, we should try to take a step and figure out all the solutions and try to stop these types of humiliations.

Harassments are not because of improper dress of girls. There are sick minded people all around who think that girls have no rights to go outside and to gain education and to achieve their goals. They think that women are property of men and they can do whatever they want. Even if women are proper dress up these types of beasts never let them free. Even after harassing these beasts take their lives without any fear.

Causes of harassments

Lack of proper education and attention on our children causes this problem in our society. Another cause is porn videos and without any restriction these videos are available on the internet. Late marriages are also a cause this problem.


We should try to take a look at our children and try to spend time with them. We should try to listen to their problems. Proper training and education is the best way to solve that problem. Other than that the government should try to ban all these websites. There should be strict laws for that crime.

